Landscape Services
Landscape Services maintains our 378-acre campus by providing a full range of maintenance and installation including:
- mowing
- tree and flower maintenance & installation
- athletic field maintenance & field setup
- fleet management & maintenance
- snow removal
- oversight of large landscape installations on campus
- management of Westhampton Lake
Auto Shop
The Auto Shop is responsible for the maintenance of all University vehicles, including annual state inspections. For the shop to perform maintenance and/or repairs to University-owned vehicles, call University Facilities Work Control at (804) 289-8600 to issue a work order. After a work order is issued, the Auto Shop will call to schedule the work. An account number is required to cover any cost for parts or supplies needed for the repairs. There is no charge for labor on work performed by the Auto Shop. If it is necessary to send the vehicle to an outside vendor for repair, all charges, including labor, will apply.
Athletic Fields
Our Athletic Field and Fleet Services Supervisor and 2 Athletic Field Technicians maintain the athletic fields on campus. These fields include:
6 Synthetic Fields
- Robins Stadium- synthetic
- Pitt Field
- IM Fields (2)
- Crenshaw Field
- President’s Field
3 Natural Grass Fields
- Soccer Field
- Lower Grass fields (2)
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Pests are populations of living organisms (animals, plants, or microorganisms) that damage property or interfere with the aesthetics or use of University facilities for human purposes.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) establishes a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.
The University of Richmond has adopted an Integrated Pest Management Plan for the landscape and grounds the University manages. The plan outlines procedures to be followed to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors from pest and pesticide hazards. The plan is designed to voluntarily comply with policies and regulations promulgated by the Department of Agriculture for public buildings and University Facilities.